Monday, October 3, 2011

John Travolta and Nicolas Cage Face Off: Civil War Style!

In one of the weirdest coincidences I believe I've ever had the privilege of witnessing in my young life is the appearance of old timey photos of "Vampire Nicolas Cage" and "Time Traveller John Travolta" within a week of each other.  Someone posted a picture of what looked exactly like a young Nicolas Cage taken a hundred years ago on ebay for thousands of dollars, claiming it was proof that Nicolas Cage was indeed a vampire.  Not long after, an eerily similar picture of John Travolta, who it was concluded that since he is a Scientoligist, he must have the ability to travel to and fro in time, popped up as well.

You can't argue how similar these photos are to these very modern celebrities.  I usually veer on the skeptical side of things, but let us be honest; it certainly would explain a lot about Nicolas Cage.  The man couldn't figure out what to do about his hair even then.  And if the other guy isn't John Travolta, he certainly passed down his chin of steel to the dance happy actor.

Personally, I see a great opportunity and excuse for a Face/Off prequel set in the civil war where John Travolta's Sean Archer goes back in time to prevent Nic Cage's Vampiric Castor Troy from causing a century's worth of death and mayhem.  Somebody call John Woo and get him on this thing!

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